Character Flaws

Character Flaws

Here’s a fun fact about human nature—it’s SO flawed! We think we are rational, intelligent beings that think things through thoroughly, but I come to find out from The Laws of Human Nature by Robert Greene, that is not 100% true. Our mind take short cuts...
Point A to Point B

Point A to Point B

Every morning we walk the dogs along the Hudson River. Usually, no one is there. It’s utterly silent—the river is silent, the city is silent, Hoboken is silent, and Doug and I are silent. It’s really quite peaceful. But on occasion, if we head out a little...
Not Cool

Not Cool

Last night I hosted my Leadership Masterclass and we discussed Emotional Intelligence. When it comes to leadership, Emotional Intelligence is one of the top 3 things a leader should be concerned with and is one of the skills her or she should commit to...