When is Time a Bad Thing?

Thursday night I had the privilege of speaking at Prudential to a group of financial professionals. The topic was The Power of the Mind. We know the mind is powerful but are we consistently tapping into that unimaginable power to improve our career, our health, our relationships, etc.?

Sometimes we forget that the mind is powerful in both a positive and a negative way. Fear is arguably the most powerful way the mind heads in a negative direction. It is, unfortunately, the adversary we will be forced to face forever. And forever is a really long time, so we better have a plan for this powerful rival. 

Fear feeds off of time. If you have ever said “Let me think about it,” please note that fear loves to hear those words because he knows he’s that much closer to “winning” by us not taking an action step. “Let me think about it” is often equivalent to “I’m afraid.” Fear doesn’t want us to know he loves time, but now we know so the jig is up. Sorry fear, but we are on to you!

With Gratitude,

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