Sleeping Beauty

Would you like to be happier, healthier, more productive, and more successful? Good, because the answer for all of these coveted attributes is embedded in creating and maintaining a consistent sleep schedule. For most of us, if you ask us when we go to bed or when we wake up, we will answer with some vague range surrounded by words like “usually,” “most often,” or “it depends.”

Successful people will answer that question with precision accuracy, “5 am and 10 pm.” Successful people don’t approach their sleep schedule with a vague or ambiguous mindset. Their driven behavior begins with how and when they start their day and ends with how and when they end it. 

Sleep is how we rejuvenate our mind and our body. When our mind and body are restored, that is when we can do our best work and be our best selves. So leaving it to happenstance is a huge blunder on our part. Look, Netflix isn’t going anywhere without you, but your career, well, that may be a different story. Make a sleep plan—then execute the plan. Period!

With Gratitude,

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  1. Sleep and Rest - Fitzgerald Life Coaching - […] horrible night’s sleeps—that’s when our brain and our body heal. Sleep and rest are essential and restorative functions that…

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