A Roll of the Dice

The other day, Doug and I were playing a a really fun game called, Shut the Box, with our friends, the Ryans, who introduced the game to us. It’s a very simple game to learn, and luck does play a role, but you absolutely need to implement a strategy if you want to win.

The Ryans helped us understand the strategy. In this game, much like golf, the lowest score wins. Although we were catching on quickly and scoring low scores, Trish had the “hot hands” rolling the dice that night and rolled the winning dice not once, but twice, to “shut the box” and win—which is really hard to do!

Luck and strategy play a big role in life, too. We can’t necessarily change our luck, but what about our strategy? What’s your strategy with your career, your finances, your health, etc? Sometimes, we forget how important strategy is to living our best life. When we play a game with no strategy, it’s likely we will lose. What happens when we play life with no strategy? I don’t believe we can lose in life, but I do believe we can put ourselves in a position we don’t want to be in. But guess what? That can change in an instant by adopting a strategy. Change happens by accident or by intent. Let’s intentionally create a strategy and see what happens then! I’m going to bet— a lot!

With Gratitude,


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