Motivational Monday

Over the weekend, we had the pleasure of sharing a dumpster with our neighbors. We both had some things to throw away and the dumpster seemed like the best decision—and oh, boy, was it! Doug and I were tossing anything that wasn’t nailed down in that dumpster. It was incredibly cathartic to finally get rid of so much trash that had accumulated over the years. Although there is more to go, for this dumpster, we’ve reached our limit. Regardless, I feel lighter, maybe even liberated.

I looked at all of this stuff leaving my house over the weekend and had to ask myself, “How did we get in this position?” How did we accumulate stuff we no longer needed? Why did we keep it? It wasn’t helping, so why didn’t I purge sooner? And of course the answer is that life got in the way. As my neighbor said, “You were living your life!” Yes! We are all living our lives, but occasionally we need to stop and purge.

What are you holding onto that you no longer need? Maybe it’s not even something physical—maybe it’s a heavy emotion or thought. Are you holding onto anger, hatred, bitterness, or resentment. Is it shame, regret, worry, or frustration? Or maybe it’s an event, a situation, or a relationship. We often hold onto things like this far beyond their ability to serve us. Maybe it’s time we get a “dumpster” for these things, too? Letting go is cathartic, it’s liberating, and most importantly, we need to do it for ourselves and our own well being. Today, I’m going to share a “dumpster” with YOU. What needs to go? It’s time. Let’s go.

With Gratitude,


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