Find Your Perch

The other day I found a clipping from a magazine article that I had saved or someone had given to me, I’m not sure. It was unfamiliar to me, but as I read it, I was so pleased it surfaced when it did. As I share it, I hope it’s helpful to you as well.

The story was about an art contest in which the artists were supposed to create a picture of peace—whatever that meant to them. Most of the artists drew pictures of serene landscapes and sunny skies, the exact picture you’d expect to help remind us of a peaceful state. However, the winning picture was a scene of a raging storm with black skies and gusty winds. There seemed to be no peace in this picture whatsoever until one looked closer. On one of the branches of the tree there was a bird, perched ever so blissfully, singing his heart out. That was the picture that won first place.

This visual imparts the greatest lesson. We want the serene beach or mountain scene where the silence and beauty bring us peace. But what’s more realistic is that there can be peace right in the midst of the storm. We are alive—that’s a great start. We have wonderful people around us that care. It could be worse. If you are a spiritual person, you have an extra area of support. Somedays we are on the beach; but when the storm comes, we should intentionally find our perch, count our blessings, and sing!


Beth Fitzgerald

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