21 Cups of Joe

Yesterday I was reading about a sneaker that was made out of recycled coffee. Yes, you read that correctly. RENS, a Finnish footwear company, decided to do something about the humongous amount of coffee waste that ends up in landfills and emits planet-warming methane gas. This sneaker is made from recycled plastic, recycled coffee, and it’s waterproof! Ingenious, right? I was duly impressed.

Why am I telling you about a waterproof coffee sneaker? Because that’s the kind of thinking I want us to do in 2022! That’s really outside the box thinking. If someone can make a sneaker out of coffee, then anything is possible, right? All if requires is some dedicated thinking.

Do you have any dedicated thinking time on your calendar? It’s a spot that is carved out for you to just think. Mine is Thursday mornings. The earlier in the day, the better. Our mind is the freshest and the most unencumbered first thing in the morning. We can’t think new thoughts if we don’t dedicate time to think. The person who invented coffee sneakers definitely had some really great thinking time on his calendar. Imagine what’s possible for us if we simply dedicate the time?



P.S. Each pair of sneakers contains the equivalent of 21 cups of coffee!

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