Friday’s Quote

“Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear—not the absence of fear. ” Mark Twain

Fear. Ugh. I want to say, “I wish you were not a part of my life.” But the truth is, it serves a good purpose—occasionally. I’m glad I have my “fight or flight” response, but I call on that rarely, at best. Yet, fear shows up every single day, uninvited, without warning, and holds me back from so much.

Courage, on the other hand, seems to be a muscle I need to intentionally focus on building each and every day. I wish courage showed up uninvited every day, but that’s rarely the case. As a matter of fact, we talk about “mustering up the courage,” like we are trying to find enough kids in the neighborhood to get a good game of WIFFLE® Ball going—knocking door to door. Courage isn’t so readily available, is it? It takes a lot more effort.

So today I want each of us to think about that thing we want, yet, fear is standing boldly in the way. How could we resist that fear, or better yet, master it, like Twain said? I’m picturing an old western movie, and we are the good guy—Clint Eastwood, maybe. He’s all courage, right? “Make my day,” kind of courage! We can do this! Courage over fear. Every day!



“Our doubts are traitors, and make us lose the good we oft might win, by fearing to attempt.” William Shakespeare

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