Two Heads Are Better Than One

The other day, I had a tennis match. I ended up playing with someone whom I had never played with before. She’s generally a singles player and my regular partner had a conflict on that day, so we ended up together.

Our opponent had some crafty moves so we spend a lot of time strategizing and spewing words of moral support to one another. At one point, I thanked her for her continued confidence in me as I was having a rough day, and she said, “Please! I am so happy to not be playing singles—being alone, I really tend to get in my own head.” How true is that whether you are playing tennis or not, right? We get in our own head all the time.

Today, I just want you to think of one thought that that has been churning over and over again in your head. Maybe it’s keeping you up at night, or maybe it’s causing you to second guess yourself. Do you know the thought? Good, because we all have at least one of those thoughts at any given time. I want you to find your “doubles partner,” and share your thought. Get it out of your head. Let this special someone help you arrive at a great solution. And most importantly, let them be there for you! Going it alone is no fun. You don’t need to be a hero. Ask yourself, who is my doubles partner? That person will be so glad you shared, because two heads are always better than one!



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