Friday’s Quote

“It’s worth remembering that it is often the small steps, not the giant leaps, that bring about the most lasting change.” Queen Elizabeth II

As you know, Queen Elizabeth II, the longest reigning monarch in British history, passed away yesterday at 96 years old in Balmoral Castle, Scotland. Although, I would imagine we all lead very different lives from the Queen, or any queen or king for that matter, these words from her most likely resonate with all of us. 

I often find with both my clients and myself, when I think of a big goal, the challenges in front of me for that goal to be realized become daunting. Sometimes, too daunting, so I procrastinate or make excuses for not starting at all. But when I look at that goal and think in terms of small steps, I don’t feel so overwhelmed. It also inspires me to take another small step. Small success, back to back, create forward momentum. 

Today, I want us all to just think about today. If you are having thoughts like, “But what about when…,” or “How will I…,” I want you to dismiss them and think about right now. What is the next small, baby step you need to take to move forward—and simply do just that. Don’t look all the way out to where the big leap will take you, just look at the next step. And then the next. Her Majesty was right, small steps do create the most lasting change. Thank you for these words of wisdom.

Keep Calm and Carry On,

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