End The Point!

Yesterday, I was on a Zoom call with a client and we were doing what I would affectionately call “Speed Working.” She hadn’t done her work from our previous call so I gave her the option of rescheduling or doing the work I had suggested together while we were on the call. She chose the latter, so we immediately got to work!

A lot of what she had to do was get answers from other people via email. As we began crafting the first email, I suggested a time management tip that bears repeating: Think of emails like a game, and the goal of the game is to end the exchange as fast as you can. The key to the game is to make sure your first email is well thought out, thorough but not wordy, and includes all the necessary details to finish this email exchange quickly and efficiently. It’s like tennis, rallies are fun, but the goal is to end the point. Same with emails. 

So today look at every email with the intent to “end the point!” Do you have a good, “put away shot,” that can shorten this arduous rally? Time is so precious that we need to find ways to garner it. And just because emails are quick, don’t think for one second that we are not senselessly squandering our time, because we are. Come on—end the point!


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