Without You…

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving and regardless of how 2022 has turned out so far, there is always something we could and should be thankful for. If you have some time today, even just a few minutes, go through your list of, “I’m thankful for…”. And if you have others home that you can do this with, all the better.

Life isn’t easy and no one gets a pass for the hard stuff. If it hasn’t been a particularly easy year, make sure you acknowledge your persistence and your resilience. This is a time to pat ourselves on the back for a job well done, but it’s also a time to offer ourselves a little TLC—maybe in the form of forgiveness or grace. 

Definitely be thankful for the obvious things like family, friends, health, job, and food. But look to the unusual as well like weekends, pets, sunshine, laughter, books, time, eyesight, good neighbors, color, memories, hot water, traditions, random acts of kindness, the unknown, pillows, flowers, salt, night, and sleep. Can you add more? Life may not always be easy, but it’s certainly filled with a lot of amazing things to be thankful for daily. I am particularly thankful for you! Thank you for reading these posts daily, challenging me when necessary, and affirming me as well. Without you, there’s no reason for me to write. So, THANK YOU from the very bottom of my heart!

With Gratitude,

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