Head in the Sand

Recently, I started watching a docuseries entitled, “Rotten,” on Netflix. They travel deep into the heart of the food supply chain to reveal unsavory truths and expose hidden forces that shape what we eat and drink. It’s absolutely dumbfounding what happens to some of the food and drinks before it gets to us. 

So far I have watched shows about avocados, sugar, and wine. I’m not suggesting we boycott anything, although once you watch the sugar episode you might at least consider changing brands or eating a lot less of it, especially if you live in Florida. None of the three episodes I watch really had a lot to do with the actual food so much as the people growing and harvesting it. All I can say is that I am glad I know.

I’m sharing this story as a lesson in leadership. “I didn’t know,” sounds like a plausible answer, and to a certain extent it is. But if we want to be a great leader, we shouldn’t have, “I didn’t know,” as a crutch. Find out. Do some exploring. Ask the hard, and sometimes uncomfortable questions, from your team. Look, I love avocados, sugar, and wine, but I watched the show because I didn’t want my head in the sand. What is going on at work (or home) that you have put your head in the sand for a while now? I know it’s scary, but it’s time to uncover the truth—you’ll be better for it!


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