Motivational Monday!

I’m currently reading The Success System That Never Fails by W. Clement Stone. I’m not sure exactly when this book was written because it has a very old feel, but Stone died in 2002 at the age of 100. This book is filled with many pearls of wisdom, but it also has a number of, “Maybe when you were alive, but not so much now,” ideas. Nonetheless, it’s good.

In today’s chapter, Stone wrote about one particular habit that helped him neutralize emotions, outsmart fear, and overcome inertia. He even cites the universal law about inertia, which is: It takes more energy to overcome inertia in getting started from a standstill than to continue the momentum of a moving body when it is once in motion. Add that to the fear of the unknown which will prevent most people from starting anything and, therefore, we will find ourselves on the receiving end of a rather mighty one-two punch. But Stone’s self-motivator to counteract all of this was to simple say to himself repeatedly, “Do it now!” 

“Do it now,” is simple, yet, oh so hard. Inertia isn’t easy to overcome—ask anyone hunkered down on a really comfortable sofa watching their TV favorite show if they want to go to the gym! Add fear and emotions into the mix and you have a perfect trifecta. But, “Do it now,” is the spark we need. “Do it now,” is an acquired habit that we must teach ourselves because it’s counterintuitive to what our mind is likely thinking. He recommends repeating it to ourselves 50x a day to get in the practice of hearing it. If you used this 3-word sentence today, exactly what in your life needs you to say, “DO IT NOW!”? I know what I need to do, what about you? Let’s do it!


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