“How did I get here?”

When Doug and I went out last night to walk the dogs, I noticed a homeless man on the bench near where we walk. I have seen him around town before and I took particular notice of him because he’s young. If I had to guess his age, I would speculate he was in his early 30’s. 

As I continued to walk the dogs, I thought about him. How did he get to this point? He reminded me that one doesn’t have to be homeless to question where they are in life. Many people ask themselves daily, “How did I get to this point?” “How did I get here?” I don’t think anyone escapes a full life without asking themselves that question at least once.

Maybe this happens to be one of those times for you. It’s O.K. Here are a few important things to remember. Everyone struggles at some point—it’s a part of life—no one escapes it. Struggles don’t last forever. You are not alone. Struggles invariably help you become stronger, so use it as an opportunity to grow. Direct your focus on what you have and what you’re grateful for in your life. And take control of your mindset and your actions—commit to taking one action step to begin to move out of this struggle. You are stronger and more courageous then you know, please believe that!


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