Friday’s Quote

“You’re one, “f*@k it,” away from having a completely different life.” ~ Dakota Robertson

I feel like I could stop right here and no more needs to be said, right? Maybe you have never uttered those words, but maybe you’ve said, “Screw it, yeah, I’ll do it,” to something that you would have never otherwise said yes to doing. 

And if you have said these words in any form, you remember how liberating that moment was when you said just two simple words! Everything that was holding you back instantly evaporated on those two words and you were free. It’s like when the magician says, “Abracadabra,” and everything magically changes. But for you and I, saying those two words changes us—that’s right—we changed! We unlocked a door that maybe was never locked at all. 

What would happen today if we all said, “F*@k it, I’m going to be brave and _____!” What would you do or say? What if that is what’s keeping us both from having a completely different life? What if instead of just today, we did it more often, like maybe every Friday? F*@k it Friday? It kind of has a nice ring to it, doesn’t it? Well, let’s just start with today—will you join me?


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