What is most important to you? You might think this is a silly question or so obvious, but I really want you to verbalize the top 3-5 things, or write them down. It might be family first, but name names. Who, exactly, is most important?

Now ask yourself, “What is occupying most of my time?” Where, exactly, are you spending most of your energy? Is the time and energy aligned with who you described as, “most important?” If the world were to end today, who do you wish you’d spent more time with? We always think there’s more time, but every day it’s ticking away.

We get distracted. We focus on the shiny object. But sometimes we need someone to remind us (you and me) that we have forgotten what’s most important and we need to make that a priority. Here are some tips:
1. Write down what is most important (you already did that, right?)
2. Identify what does NOT deserve your attention and cut it out
3. Pinpoint all your distractions – and cut them out
4. Set goals for your priorities
5. Each week regroup, reflect and refocus on your priorities (grade yourself 1-5)

Here is the conundrum with time: We believe we have a lot of it and we treat it as such, so we squander it until we realize how precious it truly is.



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