Le Tour

Le Tour de France has begun again! Today is Day 5 and I have already watched a lot of cycling. Doug watches it in earnest, but for me, it’s happening in the background—I pay attention and then I don’t. I love watching the finish every day, as it’s essentially the most exciting part, right? It answers the question, “Who won today?”

Yesterday I was watching this massive peloton move in synchronicity as they got ever closer to the finish line and it was like watching a school of fish moving and turning simultaneously as if they were all one. Within the peloton are individual teams working toward getting one of their team members across the finish line first. It’s not necessarily an altruistic act, but it is their job. This is how cycling works—you need a team to be successful. 

Think about your team—even if your “team” is at home. Are you all working together? Are you trying to help each other, or is everyone acting like a silo? Imagine if someone reached out to you today and asked, “How can I help?” The reason cyclists bike so close together, like a synchronized school of fish, is because, aerodynamically, it makes it easier on everyone. Working together, helping each other out makes it easier on everyone. That’s what a team is supposed to be and do. Take a look at your team, does it look like a school of fish?


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