What Is Your Biggest Fear?

What is your biggest fear right now? What are some of your other fears that maybe aren’t as big? Do you have a handful right now, based on those two questions? You should, I know I do. I ask these questions, not to raise your stress level, but to offer you a new way of looking at these fears.

Step One is absolutely acknowledging these fears and the vice grip they have on us. Step Two is to have a visual on how we might overcome them. When fear is keeping us from moving forward, then we are safely in our Comfort Zone—picture yourself in a large box with room to move around, but not much more. Outside the box is about four feet of what I’ll call the Fear Zone, and that’s why we stay in the box. It’s only four feet, but it’s a scary four feet. Now, here’s the interesting part, after the Fear Zone there are two more zones: the Learning Zone and the Growth Zone. Maybe you didn’t know that or hadn’t thought about in a while, but it’s true.

Now you can see the whole progression! Comfort Zone—Fear Zone—Learning Zone—Growth Zone. If we can be brave enough to leave our Comfort Zone, and face the fear head on (it’s only four feet, says me), then we will quickly, if not instantaneously, be in the Learning Zone and then the Growth Zone. What do you say? Are you willing to venture into that Fear Zone now?


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