Friday’s Quote

We won’t be distracted by comparison if we’re captivated with purpose.”
~ Bob Goff

First, I love Bob Goff! I have read both of his books, Love Does and Everybody Always and it looks like he has written two more books that I will have to get my hands on and read. You will never end a Bob Goff book without being uplifted, filled with joy, and having a strong desire to be a better person. Goff is one of those people when you are asked, “If you could have dinner with one person, dead or alive, who would it be?” Bob should be in your top 5.

Comparison is almost always the “kiss of death,” regardless of which side of the comparison you fall. In 1898 President Theodore Roosevelt famously penned these words, “Comparison is the thief of joy.” It can make us feel bad about ourselves and rob us of our happiness. If we compare and we don’t measure up, it can lead to feelings of inadequacy and low self-esteem. And the truth is, there is no comparison with another person that will ever be apples to apples—we are all different in so many ways. And when we look at others we only notice their tailwind yet we only feel our own headwind, which is human nature, but an unfair comparison.

So let’s take Goff’s brilliant advice and focus on our own purpose. Purpose redirects our focus back on us and away from anyone else. It’s a laser beam to what we want to accomplish for ourselves and possibly the universe. What I think Goff is implying is that we are all uniquely gifted with talents and expertise to fulfill our own purpose here—and everyone’s gifts are different. So when we compare, we notice gifts and talents that we don’t possess, but nor should we. Once we realize and accept our uniqueness, we can forgo comparing ourselves to others forever. And that sounds absolutely liberating!


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