A Life Hack

Holly and I were presenting at the AdvisorHub Women’s Summit yesterday at the Metropolitan Club in NYC and what a fun day! All of the speakers AND the attendees where absolutely amazing and inspiring women! Holly and I left the event inspired and energized!

At the end of the day, we had a fun session devoted to hacks. My group was asked to deliver their best life hack, anything that made their life easier and/or more joyful. I was amazed at all the routines, strategies, and daily practices that all of these accomplished women have in place. One woman’s company phone was programed by the company to send a text message from 6pm to 8am stating that this was outside of company working hours and that she would return the call in the morning. When she saw this message for the first time, she instantly said, “NO! I don’t want that message.” And then she gave it some more thought and said, “Maybe this is exactly what I need.”

How many of you respond to work emails or calls after 6 pm? I do—a lot. Are we really being more efficient? Is this unhealthy? What would happen if we really had a hard close at 6 or 7 pm, as it pertains to the phone or emails? Work created boundary for her that she wasn’t willing to make, yet it ended up being a really great thing for her health and her happiness. I know you’re thinking, “But what if…,” I think that, too. If it was really important, wouldn’t someone actually pick up the phone and call? I have to believe they would. She has encouraged me to put my phone down at a reasonable time, I’m choosing 7pm. I’ll let you know how this goes, but I’m hoping I really like it! Want to join me?



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