Motion vs Action

I was listening to Atomic Habits on Audible by James Clear the other day. It’s a great book, btw. He was talking about the difference between motion and action. Had I not been on a bike while I was listening to this (don’t judge), I would have jumped up...

Junk Food For Your Brain

How many of you wake up each morning, grab your phone, and check texts, emails, and the internet? Yup, me too! I know how bad it is bad for me, yet I keep doing it. Why? Will this time be different? Will I stop? I hope so. What we are doing when we grab our cell phone...

Force Your Hand

Is procrastination a problem? Are you avoiding something you really need to do? This happens to all of us, but perhaps a real-life example will help us get this thing done! In the summer of 1830, Victor Hugo was facing a nearly impossible deadline. A year earlier he...