The Finish Line

I met a dear friend for breakfast yesterday and we talked a little bit about my book, The Wake Up Call (which comes out Monday onĀ!!) I was explaining that it was undoubtedly the most difficult thing I have ever accomplished. The learning curve wasn’t...

Junk Food For Your Brain

How many of you wake up each morning, grab your phone, and check texts, emails, and the internet? Yup, me too! I know how bad it is bad for me, yet I keep doing it. Why? Will this time be different? Will I stop? I hope so. What we are doing when we grab our cell phone...

Now That’s Remarkable

This morning, I was scrolling through Facebook for no apparent reason other than habit when I saw that my husband’s cousin’s daughter was Rookie of the Week again for her college basketball team! When I say, “again,” I believe this may be the...

Friday’s Quote

“Pay attention to the people God puts in your path if you want to discern what God is up to in your life.” ~ Henri Nouwen People are complicated. We could go down one of two paths here but I recommend we go down both. People can be the blessings in our...