A Festering Wound

I was talking to a client yesterday about forgiveness. This concept is such a doozy! It’s probably the hardest notion for anyone, myself included, to readily accept or to implement. The Latin root of forgive is (for-) “completely” and (give) “to give, grant, allow or pardon.” I struggle with the, “completely” piece of forgiveness. It’s hard.

Emmet Fox described the reason for forgiveness like this: “There are few people in the world who have not at some time or other been hurt by someone else; or disappointed, or injured, or deceived, or misled. Such things sink into the memory where they usually cause inflamed and festering wounds, and there is only one remedy—they have to be plucked out and thrown away. And the one and only way to do that is by forgiveness.” OK, holy cow!

Forgiveness is for us, not for them. Not forgiving, like Fox said, allows an inflamed and festering wound INSIDE US, not them, to persist. Would you ever leave a festering wound unaddressed? I know your answer. So today, pick one person who has created an “inflamed and festering wound” inside of you and consider, on behalf of yourself and your own well-being, to forgive them. “Pluck out and throw away,” that which has been festering inside of you. This is an incredible form of self-care and, more importantly, self-love. It’s simple, but not easy. Do it for you!

And email me when you did it! I’m already proud of you for considering it! 

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