I got diverted to Instagram this morning from a website as I was exploring a new company that I was interested in. Instantly, my attention deficit left me scrolling through stories of the people I love the most. One of those stories was a reel my cousin posted by Dwayne The Rock Johnson and all he said was this: It’s either, “One day, or, Day 1.”

What I mean by, “All he said,” is that he was succinct. He didn’t need to say any more! His words were really powerful. Is today going to be a, “One day I will…,” or is it going to be, “DAY 1”? “DAY 1” is calling for our action, if we choose it, but “One day…,” also a choice, is calling for our procrastination and it supports a negative belief we have about ourselves. What is that negative belief? 

DAY 1 is hard because it’s a commitment. “One day…,” is easy, but in the end, really disappointing. DAY 1 is active; “One day…,” is passive and do you know the definition of passive? Here it goes: accepting or allowing what happens or what others do, without active response or resistance. So what is it going to be today? DAY 1 or “One day…”? You can choose or allow and accept. Either way, you’re choosing.


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