An Unexpected Friend

Let’s talk about anger today. What was the last thing (person or event) that made you angry? Was it a stranger or someone close to you like a family member or a friend? Do you remember what made you angry? And how did you convey your anger—did you get visibly upset or yell?

Anger is generally considered an “unacceptable” emotion. When we express it, those around us want us to “calm down” quickly so that our unacceptable emotion stops making everyone feel uncomfortable. But, anger can be seen as our closest friend. Anger is our emotions saying, “Enough! This is not O.K. with me.” Anger is also a sign that there is a wound somewhere and anger is its voice. Anger is defending you, when maybe even you don’t know how to defend you.

It is true that, “cooler heads prevail,” but seeing anger in a different light, for ourselves as well as others, is really important. Anger is a loud voice for a quiet pain. It is an instinctively self-caring part of us that we should listen to more often so that we understand where this is coming from. Instead of saying, “Calm down,” perhaps we should be saying, “Tell me about the wound.”

“Things are not always as they seem; the first appearance deceives many.” ~ Phaedrus


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