What Makes Someone Great?

Do you ever wonder where greatness comes from? Are all these amazing people born gifted or is it something else? Well, I am hoping that the book Cradles of Eminence, first published in 1964, will provide me some much-needed insight. Cradles of Eminence is the...

Are You Worthy?

Do you ever feel unworthy? Unworthy of a compliment, or an amazing spouse, or a sweet life? The word “unworthy” has come up 3x in the past 4 days—and I certainly have feelings of unworthiness— so it must be time to chat about being worthy! For me,...

Ask For It

If you have ever been fortunate enough to own a dog, you’ll understand this post better than most. Dogs have a knack for positioning themselves exactly so that the person petting them can scratch their…well, butt. They aren’t shy about it either. If...

Motivational Monday!

In the 1950′s, a scientist named Curt Richter did a series of experiments that involved rats. He dropped them in water to see how long they would swim to survive. Initially, the rats died rather quickly—within minutes. Then he altered the experiment, he rescued the...