Autopilot or Cruise Control?

Have you ever thought about the difference between autopilot and cruise control? Autopilot is when the pilot inputs some crucial data and then the systems take over continuing to ensure the plane is headed in the right direction, maintaining proper altitude, etc....

Bite Your Tongue

I am reading a great work-related book right now by Florence Shinn. Although it was written in 1925, it has some amazing old-school pearls of wisdom. Shinn writes, “There is an old saying that man only dares use his words for three purposes: to heal, bless, or...

One Bad Day

Have you ever had one of those days where things simply aren’t working out in your favor? Yesterday morning was definitely that day for me. I wrote my Motivational Monday only to see it disappear when I clicked “share.” I tried to remain calm and I...

Friday’s Quote

“There is more hunger for love and appreciation in this world than there is for bread.” Saint Teresa of Calcutta (Mother Teresa) Today’s quote offers us the opportunity to view it from two different perspectives. Of course, we all love to be loved...

Job Titles Matter

Have you ever thought about your job title? Are you a salesperson, a teacher, or a marketing exec? Regardless of your title, someone will almost always ask “So what do you do?” We then have an opportunity to explain in more detail exactly what we do...