Friday’s Quote

“You can and should set your own limits and clearly articulate them. This takes courage, but it is also liberating and empowering, and often earns you new respect.”
— Rosalind Brewer, CEO of Walgreens Boots Alliance

I’m not sure if Brewer meant limits or boundaries. I’m a huge fan of setting boundaries though. The way I started probably isn’t the way I would encourage anyone to start setting boundaries, but ultimately it worked for me. I started setting boundaries when I realized I was completely exhausted and utterly depleted — I had no more to give — I had no choice but to set some healthy boundaries. 

One precursor to setting boundaries is that you have to be able to say, “No.” If you’re a “Yes-man or -woman,” boundaries will almost always be impossible for you to set. Pleasing others will always take precedent over making the decisions that are ultimately right for you (see yesterday’s post—people pleasing is a limiting belief). Look, we all want to be liked, but it can come at a great cost.

The other night I declared I was no longer going to do laundry in our building’s laundry room at night. I literally said those words, “I declare.” Doug and Liam were a bit perplexed, and Doug even commented on my choice of words. I explained that I really don’t feel comfortable being in that remotely located room alone, and it gives me the creeps to be there at night. I declare! I set a healthy boundary for myself. I now know my limits as it pertains to this. I don’t have to think about it anymore because the beauty of a healthy boundary is, once it’s set, it’s my new rule. As a result, healthy boundaries have been proven to lower stress and raise self-esteem because I prioritized my own well-being. So, what do you think? Is it time for a boundary or two? Remember, the key word is, “healthy!”

P.S. This is NOT my laundry room. 

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