3-Word Mantra

I recently read a quote from a woman who used a mantra to live her life by. The mantra helped her make all of her decisions, and once she began making better decisions, everything in her life started to get better. What could one say that would do all that? Her mantra...

Motivational Monday!

Doug, Clare, and I travelled to DC this past weekend to visit our daughter, Devon. I love DC. This weekend was particularly nice in that it was uncharacteristically gorgeous weather for DC in July—no humidity! We had lunch and dinner and drinks all outside, soaking up...

Your Influencers

We like to think that we are in control of our lives. We like to think we make our own wise and well thought out decisions based on logic, reasoning, and intellectual thought—but is that true? I’m not so sure. We try to make most of our decisions based on...