Motivational Monday!

Motivational Monday!

I spent the better part of this weekend in Camden, NJ—not something someone says very often, right? I am on the board of UrbanPromise International and this past weekend was our Summit and semi-annual in-person board meeting. I always leave these weekends absolutely...
Motivational Monday!

Motivational Monday!

I was watching the Philadelphia Eagles yesterday on T.V. It was a rather exciting game as they went into overtime against the Washington Commanders. What caught my attention, but what is also so obvious, is that the whole game is about moving forward. And as long as...
Motivational Monday

Motivational Monday

It’s September 11th—this day, alone, should be motivation enough.  It should make us all nicer, more compassionate, more forgiving, work harder, dream bigger, act on anything we really want, love more, burry the hatchet, stop gossiping, stop judging, call...
Motivational Monday!

Motivational Monday!

I was listening to a guided meditation over the weekend, and the instructor was defining fear based on a quote she had heard which was, “fear is the distraction between you and your potency.” I thought that was a really good description, although I would...