Year-End Questions

As we move forward into 2020, I like to take some time to reflect on 2019. Having a vision is important, if not critical, but so is learning from our mistakes. Here are a few questions I ask myself each year: What are the 3-5 greatest lessons I learned last year?What...

Friday’s Quote

“Life does not get better by chance. It gets better by change.” Jim Rohn This week has been a big week. We ended the year as well as the decade. We turned the page on all of that, and I’m sure some of you couldn’t turn the page fast enough, but...

Succeeding at Resolutions

Today, I am not going to give you the “rah-rah” story everyone else is giving. I am not sure what your resolutions and goals are for 2020, but I do know what the statistics show: within 30 days, 75% of us will have dropped our resolutions and by...