Failing Forward

Tonight, I will host another meeting with my Emerging Leaders participants. Our topic for this evening is “Failing Forward.” Failing is an interesting topic. No one likes to fail and certainly no one wants to fail, but failing seems to be the way to...

Owning Your Integrity

What is integrity? It’s defined as: a firm adherence to moral and ethical principles; soundness of moral character; honesty. It’s Latin root, integritatem, means wholeness, complete, perfect. Most of us value integrity, yet it’s truly hard to...

Motivational Monday!

Over the weekend, my brother-in-law, Dave, sent me some quotes. They aren’t quotes from people I would usually quote like Plato or Ghandi or Einstein—no, these quotes are from Sal’s dad. Who is Sal, or Sal’s dad for that matter? I don’t know,...