The Upgrade Is Now Available

This morning, after at least a month or two of dismissing the daily notifications, I finally performed the upgrade on my laptop. I wanted the upgrade, but I never seemed to have the time to shut everything down and allow my computer to perform the necessary functions...

Water Under The Bridge

What happened to Motivational Monday yesterday? Funny story. I wrote a lovely post yesteray about Father’s Day (and Mother’s Day). When I was finished writing and editing, I pressed the big blue “Post” bar on Facebook, like I do everyday. I...

Friday’s Quote

“No matter how many mistakes you make or how slow you go, you are still way ahead of everyone who isn’t trying.” Unknown At least once a week, I field a call from someone who is exploring the possibility of using a coach. Some come in as referrals...

The Last Straw

To all my procrastinators out there, this one is for you (and me!). If I haven’t already shared this with you before, technology and I are not the best of friends. The first people I hired when I started my business was my IT team, and it’s still the best...