Friday’s Quote

“No man ever steps in the same river twice, for it’s not the same river and he’s not the same man.” ~ Heraclitus (Greek philosopher) I was looking at an old picture of my son yesterday. He was probably about 8 years old and he was on the beach...

Grind It Out

I was watching Le Tour de France yesterday—what an amazing race! This annual men’s multiple-stage cycling race, which is held primarily in France, has 21 day-long stages that take place over 23 days, and cover over 2,200 miles. It’s absolutely grueling,...

Observation Not Criticism

I am a big fan of daily planners and have been for years. It seems to be a very personal choice for people as to what they like to use. I used to be a Franklin-Covey girl, but recently I have found them to be too bulky. In an attempt to find my “just...