Friday’s Quote

“No battle plan ever survives contact with the enemy.” ~ Helmuth von Molke the Elder, Prussian general I was reading an article by McKinsey & Company about leadership. The woman who was being interviewed had been in the U.S. Army, served two tours in...

A New Thought

There is a great quote by Hamlet that I love: “There is nothing either good or bad but thinking makes it so.” As an all encompassing statement, we would have to shoot holes through Hamlet’s axiom because bad things do happen like the death of a loved...

You Do You!

Last night, after dinner, Doug and I took all the dogs for a walk around our neighborhood. Taking all three of them is no easy task because they all pull relentlessly until they get a bit tired. After they settle in, each one of them, true to their breed, behaves...

A Helping Hand

Last week, our whole house was engaged in watching Le Tour de France. Doug has been a fan for years so he has been explaining how this crazy race works. I believe the most interesting part, for me, has been grasping the interrelationship between the team and the...

Motivational Monday!

Doug, Clare, and I travelled to DC this past weekend to visit our daughter, Devon. I love DC. This weekend was particularly nice in that it was uncharacteristically gorgeous weather for DC in July—no humidity! We had lunch and dinner and drinks all outside, soaking up...