21 Cups of Joe

Yesterday I was reading about a sneaker that was made out of recycled coffee. Yes, you read that correctly. RENS, a Finnish footwear company, decided to do something about the humongous amount of coffee waste that ends up in landfills and emits planet-warming methane...

Friday’s Quote

“Thinking is becoming, therefore, be extremely careful in your thinking. ” Sri Chimnoy I was invited to teach in a breakout session yesterday for a non-profit organization that I am closely involved with. My 45-minute session was titled, Power of the Mind....

A New Thought

There is a great quote by Hamlet that I love: “There is nothing either good or bad but thinking makes it so.” As an all encompassing statement, we would have to shoot holes through Hamlet’s axiom because bad things do happen like the death of a loved...

Outsmarting Fear

Some things naturally go together like salt and pepper and bread and butter. But faith and fear, most would argue, are exact opposites, right? No one sees them as correlated—or do they? I hear people talk about how faith-filled they are, myself included, yet I also...

Go, Go, Go!

I recently took a class and like any good student, I was looking for answers. Unfortunately (and fortunately), the class didn’t provide answers, it only provided questions—lots and lots of questions. The reason the class only offered questions was because the...