Motivational Monday!

Motivational Monday!

On a very long flight Saturday night, I watched Eat, Pray, Love with Julia Roberts. I had read the book years ago, but had never seen the movie. I was particularly taken with the “Eat” part when she was in Italy trying to relax and do some soul searching...

102 Minutes

I’m reading an outstanding book, 102 Minutes: The Untold Story of the Fight to Survive Inside the Twin Towers, written by Jim Dwyer and Kevin Flynn. I’m only 70 pages in and I am already captivated by all of the details I never knew. Having worked in the...

Friday’s Quote

“Sometimes letting things go is an act of far greater power than defending or hanging on.” Eckhart Tolle Last night I was hanging out with friends and we got on the topic of Tom Brady. As you know, I am an Philadelphia Eagles fan so I instantly went into...