Who Doesn’t Like FREE?

What I know to be true about living through this pandemic over the past few years is that no one is the same as they were before the pandemic started. For some of us, it’s a minor difference, and for others, it’s far more pronounced. The pandemic took a...

Festering is not Good

Why do we accept the unacceptable? Most people don’t—or won’t—speak up. What I hear most often from my clients is, “I’m not sure it’s even worth it to speak up.” Ugh! OK, I can’t say that you’re wrong, I get how...

Motivational Monday!

If you have followed me for years, then you know I’m not a fan of Valentine’s Day. I have ranted about the commercialism, the price-gouging, the obligation, the relationship requirement, the high expectations, and the overall pre-packaged nature of it all...